We Build Vehicles that Spark Excitement


Tell us what your dream “classic” vehicle might be, and we’ll tell you how how that would look as an EV!


We know there is a classic car or truck that just stirs your soul.  A sleek Italian roadster?  An early American pickup?  Or how about that German grand tourer?  Whatever it may be, there’s a good chance that this once-considered “state-of-the-art” vehicle is actually slow, inefficient, and unreliable by modern standards.  Electricity was the preferred drivetrain of some of the very first cars, and as motor and battery technology has modernized, electric drivetrains are now the way of the future.

Tell us what’s your dream “classic”, and we’ll work with you on making it a reality.  Not only will it be a ride in touch with the past but also firmly tied with the future.  Range, performance, safety, and reliability can all come from a modern electric drivetrain, and as we like to say, you’ll have a surprise under the hood!


Your unique vehicle, without compromises.








iconic EV Founder

C.J. Whelan

C.J. Whelan is a lifelong car nut.  With two degrees from M.I.T., including one in Electrical Engineering, he’s also (in his own words) a big nerd.  Iconic EV is the culmination of combining C.J.’s love for cars with his passion and knowledge for the latest technologies.  C.J. understands that for some of us, a vehicle is more than just an appliance for getting from point A to point B.  It is an expression of one’s self and a way to make the journey just as enjoyable as the destination.  With a team of like-minded people, Iconic EV will create a custom electric vehicle that you’ll LOVE as much as any car or truck you’ll ever own.